Welcome to GA ALERT platform

This platform allows GROUPE ATLANTIC’s stakeholders (employees, suppliers, customers...) to report a misconduct or an unethical situation.

If you become aware of possible violation or already committed violation of any law, regulations, or a misconduct / unethical situation, please report here.
The confidentiality of your identity will be preserved during the issuance of your report, as well as throughout the procedure of processing the alert.
GA ALERT is not intended to deal with emergencies or imminent danger.
Organisation profile

Organisation Groupe Atlantic

  • Valérie BENAITEAU, Head of Legal Departement
  • Clémence DE BOISDEFFRE Compliance Officer
To know

-          Each report has its own chat system for sending and receiving messages. These exchanges respect the choice of the whistleblowers to remain anonymous or not.
-          This reporting platform is hosted on the server of third party organization, Groupe Atlantic employees don't have access to IP addresses of the whistleblowers.
-          Only designated referents will be recipients of information that you will send us through the form.
-          You will be able to follow your report and communicate with the referrent(s) through the confidential code generated by the platform during the transmission of your report. Remember to save this code.